Let me begin by saying that I have not personally worked for Arise, but I am hearing so many reports these days, including a few from trusted friends, that I finally had to write this Blog. I must also state that this is 100% my opinion (in case it wasn’t clear that my personal Blog …
March 2013 archive
Mar 08
Mega Monster Companies Have Stolen Your Rights!
If you deal with any big company in America, you are most likely stuck with Binding Arbitration. This means if you want to sue them, you’re going to wind up in a Kangaroo Court that always rules in favor of the crooked company over 99.6% of the time. But Binding Arbitration in the Terms of …
Mar 01
When Spambots are Extra Nasty!
Last July I wrote this fine article about the Spambots. And if you haven’t read it, or don’t know what Spambots are, you should check it out! But in a nutshell, Spambots are computer robots that post worthless, fake messages to a blog, website or message board. They pretend to be real people, but are really …
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