November 2012 archive

Someone Please call the Authorities on this Abusive Mother!

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I am not a Mother (Yet) and I found someone who shouldn’t be a Mother (Ever)! Take a look at this anal-retentive, overbearing tool that slows you to be a lazy, controlling parent who doesn’t trust her kids, and who wants to dominate every aspect of their lives.  I introduce you to mamabearapp or as …

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Happy Holidays from Obamacare!

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I received a nice holiday letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield this week telling me what is in store for me next year.  And it didn’t have any Fucking Reindeer on it or a nice Gift Check enclosed.  In fact, they want me to pay for their Holiday Bonuses. I have “catastrophic” health insurance which …

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Paypal plans to SCAM to you this holiday season!

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If you’re an Ebay/Paypal user you know that they’re always looking for new ways to cheat and gouge you.  Some of these border on the criminal, others are more subtle.  This week I stumbled into a Paypal change that they’re hoping people won’t notice. A lot of people like to use Paypal with a credit …

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Lance Armstrong and Second Place

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I had meant to get to this sooner, but with all of the recent news events, it moved to the back of my head.  But I want to address it now. The USADA released a 1,000-page report which details the case against Lance Armstrong that shows what it calls “conclusive and undeniable proof that brings …

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Price Gouging after Sandy is Essential and NJ Officials are Idiots!

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It really pisses me off every time there is a disaster officials “crack down” on price gouging.  They’re such Stupid Fucking Idiots. Look at this: Let me break it down for you NJ Officials:  People are Greedy and 100% interested in helping themselves.  If there is a disaster and supplies are in short supply, …

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