lol @ me being “brief” right? It seems that everyone wants you to do a fucking service or product survey. Kudos to the little surveys on the back of fast food restaurant receipts that offer a free item or discount. The receipt surveys are short and they proffer little rewards. But my love of service surveys ends with …
June 2013 archive
Jun 14
The Netflix Blu-ray plan is CRAP!
I’m torn about my feelings for Netflix and haven’t said much about them except to comment briefly about Reed Hastings running the company into the ground. I enjoyed Netflix DVD + streaming before they split them apart and doubled the price, and I still enjoy the streaming even though much of the content is stale. But …
Jun 07
An Eye for 3 of Yours
Recently I heard about a Saudi Arabian man sentenced to be paralyzed because he stabbed someone and caused that man’s paralysis. Now generally I consider Muslim countries as uncivilized and savage, but when I heard about this punishment, I thought it was almost fair. A more fitting punishment would be to blind and deafen him the …
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